
The State of Ohio requires its County Engineers to be a fully licensed “Registered Professional Engineer,” and a fully licensed “Registered Professional Surveyor.” Continuing education is a high priority for the Belmont County Engineer, who attends numerous conferences, seminars and workshops to keep pace with changing legislation and technology. 

The Belmont County Engineer is responsible for the maintenance of nearly 310 miles of County roads, including all bridges, culverts and right-of-ways. The County Engineer is also responsible for any bridges over 10 feet in length on township roads, as well as certain bridges in cities and villages. A total of 282 bridges are maintained. The County Engineer performs an annual inspection and evaluation of the condition and load bearing capacity of each bridge and files these reports with the Ohio Department of Transportation. 

The County Engineer serves as an advisor for the 16 Townships in Belmont County.

The Engineer is also responsible for maintaining maps showing approximately 64,000 property parcels in Belmont County.

The duties of the County Engineer can be found in the Ohio Revised Code at: http://codes.ohio.gov/orc/5543




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